| help | 1 | Shows help for command |
| announce | u | Sends Msg To All |
| wannounce | u | Sends Widescreen Msg To All |
| appear | v | Teleports to x's position. |
| summon | v | Summons x to your position |
| banchar | b | Bans character x with or without reason |
| unbanchar | b | Unbans character x |
| banreason | b | Shows the reason for ban |
| kick | b | Kicks player from server |
| kill | r | .kill - Kills selected unit. |
| revive | r | Revives you. |
| reviveplr | r | Revives player specified. |
| morph | m | Morphs into model id x. |
| demorph | m | Demorphs from morphed model. |
| mount | m | Mounts into modelid x. |
| dismount | 1 | Dismounts. |
| gm | p | Shows active GM's |
| gmoff | t | Sets GM tag off |
| gmon | t | Sets GM tag on |
| gps | p | Shows Position |
| info | p | Server info |
| worldport | v | No description. |
| save | s | Save's your character |
| saveall | s | Save's all playing characters |
| security | z | No description. |
| start | m | Teleport's you to a starting location |
| levelup | m | No description. |
| additem | m | No description. |
| createguild | l | No description. |
| invincible | j | .invincible - Toggles INVINCIBILITY (mobs won't attack you) |
| invisible | i | .invisible - Toggles INVINCIBILITY and INVISIBILITY (mobs won't attack you and nobody can see you, but they can see your chat messages) |
| resetreputation | n | .resetreputation - Resets reputation to start levels. (use on characters that were made before reputation fixes.) |
| resetlevel | n | .resetlevel - Resets all stats to level 1 of targeted player. DANGEROUS. |
| resetspells | n | .resetspells - Resets all spells to starting spells of targeted player. DANGEROUS. |
| resettalents | n | .resettalents - Resets all talents of targeted player to that of their current level. DANGEROUS. |
| resetskills | n | .resetskills - Resets all skills. |
| learn | m | Learns spell |
| unlearn | m | Unlearns spell |
| learnskill | m | .learnskill <skillid> (optional) <value> <maxvalue> - Learns skill id skillid. |
| advanceskill | m | advanceskill <skillid> <amount, optional, default = 1> - Advances skill line x times.. |
| removeskill | m | .removeskill <skillid> - Removes skill |
| increaseweaponskill | m | .increaseweaponskill <count> - Increase eqipped weapon skill x times (defaults to 1). |
| createaccount | z | .createaccount - Creates account. Format should be .createaccount username password email |
| playerinfo | z | .playerinfo - Displays informations about the selected character (account...) |
| uptime | 1 | Shows server uptime |
| getpos | d | No description. |
| removeauras | m | Removes all auras from target |
| paralyze | b | Roots/Paralyzes the target. |
| unparalyze | b | Unroots/Unparalyzes the target. |
| setmotd | m | Sets MOTD |
| additemset | m | Adds item set to inv. |
| gotrig | v | Warps to areatrigger <id> |
| createinstance | m | Creates instance on map <map> |
| goinstance | m | Joins instance <instance> <x> <y> <z> <optional mapid> |
| exitinstance | m | Exits current instance, return to entry point. |
| dbreload | m | Reloads some of the database tables |
| spawnspiritguide | m | Spawns a spirit guide (params: 1 = horde, 0 = alliance |
| servershutdown | z | Initiates server shutdown in <x> seconds. |
| serverrestart | z | Initiates server restart in <x> seconds. |
| allowwhispers | c | Allows whispers from player <s> while in gmon mode. |
| blockwhispers | c | Blocks whispers from player <s> while in gmon mode. |
| advanceallskills | m | Advances all skills <x> points. |
| killbyplayer | f | Disconnects the player with name <s>. |
| killbyaccount | f | Disconnects the session with account name <s>. |
| unlockmovement | m | Unlocks movement for player. |
| castall | z | Makes all players online cast spell <x>. |
| getrate | f | Gets rate <x>. |
| setrate | f | Sets rate <x>. |
| modperiod | m | Changes period of current transporter. |
| npcfollow | m | Sets npc to follow you |
| nullfollow | m | Sets npc to not follow anything |
| formationlink1 | m | Sets formation master. |
| formationlink2 | m | Sets formation slave with distance and angle |
| formationclear | m | Removes formation from creature |
| hp | m | Health Points/HP |
| mana | m | Mana Points/MP |
| rage | m | Rage Points |
| energy | m | Energy Points |
| level | m | Level |
| armor | m | Armor |
| holy | m | Holy Resistance |
| fire | m | Fire Resistance |
| nature | m | Nature Resistance |
| frost | m | Frost Resistance |
| shadow | m | Shadow Resistance |
| arcane | m | Arcane Resistance |
| damage | m | Unit Damage Min/Max |
| scale | m | Size/Scale |
| gold | m | Gold/Money/Copper |
| speed | m | Movement Speed |
| nativedisplayid | m | Native Display ID |
| displayid | m | Display ID |
| flags | m | Unit Flags |
| faction | m | Faction Template |
| dynamicflags | m | Dynamic Flags |
| talentpoints | m | Talent Points |
| loyalty | m | Loyalty |
| spirit | m | Spirit |
| boundingraidus | m | Bounding Radius |
| combatreach | m | Combat Reach |
| emotestate | m | NPC Emote State |
| infront | d | No description. |
| showreact | d | No description. |
| aimove | d | No description. |
| dist | d | No description. |
| face | d | No description. |
| moveinfo | d | No description. |
| setbytes | d | No description. |
| getbytes | d | No description. |
| unroot | d | No description. |
| root | d | No description. |
| landwalk | d | No description. |
| waterwalk | d | No description. |
| castspell | d | .castspell <spellid> - Casts spell on target. |
castspellne | d | .castspellne <spellid> - Casts spell on target
(only plays animations, doesnt handle effects or range/facing/etc. |
celldelete | d | !USE WITH CAUTION! '.celldelete YES' - Removes
everything in current cell from game and database. '.celldelete YES
YES' removes everything in a range of 1cell. |
| addrestxp | d | .addrestxp - Adds x rest XP to player. |
| generatename | d | .generatename - Generates name for pet, etc. |
| attackerinfo | d | .attackerinfo - Shows selected mob/player's attacker's infomation. |
| showattackers | d | .showattackers - Shows selected mob/player's attacker on the minimap. |
| aggrorange | d | .aggrorange - Shows aggro Range of the selected Creature. |
| knockback | d | .knockback <value> - Knocks you back. |
| fade | d | .fade <value> - calls ModThreatModifyer(). |
| threatMod | d | .threatMod <value> - calls ModGeneratedThreatModifyer(). |
| calcThreat | d | .calcThreat <dmg> <spellId> - calculates threat. |
| threatList | d | .threatList - returns all AI_Targets of the selected Creature. |
| gettptime | d | grabs transporter travel time |
| itempushresult | d | sends item push result |
| weather | d | No description. |
| setbit | d | No description. |
| setvalue | d | No description. |
add | w | Add wp at current pos
show | w | Show wp's for creature
hide | w | Hide wp's for creature
delete | w | Delete selected wp
movehere | w | Move to this wp
flags | w | Wp flags
waittime | w | Wait time at this wp
emote | w | Emote at this wp
skin | w | Skin at this wp
change | w | Change at this wp
info | w | Show info for wp
movetype | w | Movement type at wp
select | o | Selects the nearest GameObject to you
delete | o | Deletes selected GameObject
spawn | o | Spawns a GameObject by ID
info | o | Gives you informations about selected GO
activate | o | Activates/Opens the selected GO.
enable | o | Enables the selected GO for use.
scale | o | Sets scale of selected GO
animprogress | o | Sets anim progress
export | o | Exports the current GO selected
setbgscore | e | <Teamid> <Score> - Sets battleground score. 2 Arguments.
startbg | e | Starts current battleground match.
pausebg | e | Pauses current battleground match.
bginfo | e | Displays information about current battleground.
battleground | e | Shows BG Menu
setworldstate | e | <var> <val> - Var can be in hex. WS Value.
playsound | e | <val>. Val can be in hex.
setbfstatus | e | .setbfstatus - NYI.
leave | e | Leaves the current battleground.
vendoradditem | n | Adds to vendor
vendorremoveitem | n | Removes from vendor.
name | n | Changes creature name
subname | n | Changes creature subname
flags | n | Changes NPC flags
emote | n | .emote - Sets emote state
run | n | No description.
addweapon | n | No description.
allowmove | n | No description.
addgrave | n | No description.
addsh | n | No description.
addspirit | n | No description.
spawn | n | <entry> <flags> <faction> <level> <name>
spawnentry | n | <entry>
delete | n | Deletes mob from db and world.
info | n | Displays NPC information
guid | n | Shows selected object guid
| n | .npc addAgent <agent> <procEvent> <procChance>
<procCount> <spellId> <spellType>
<spelltargetType> <spellCooldown> <floatMisc1>
delAgent | n | .npc delAgent <procEvent> <spellId>
listAgent | n | .npc listAgent
reset | n | resets npc health/dmg from temp table.
export | n | Exports the npc to a sql file
say | n | .npc say <text> - Makes selected mob say text <text>.
yell | n | .npc yell <Text> - Makes selected mob yell text <text>.
come | n | .npc come - Makes npc move to your position
return | n | .npc return - Returns ncp to spawnpoint.
status - Shows active cheats.
taxi ¨- Enables all taxi nodes.
cooldown - Enables no cooldown cheat.
casttime - Enables no cast time cheat.
power - Disables mana consumption etc.
god - Sets god mode, prevents you from taking damage.
fly - Sets fly mode
land - Unsets fly mode
explore - Reveals the unexplored parts of the map.
flyspeed - Modifies fly speed.
stack - Enables aura stacking cheat.
getpvprank - Gets PVP Rank
setpvprank - Sets PVP Rank
addpoints - Adds x amount of honor points/currency
addkills - Adds x amount of honor kills
globaldailyupdate - Daily honor field moves
singledailyupdate - Daily honor field moves for selected player only
pvpcredit - Sends PVP credit packet, with specified rank and points
createpet - Creates a pet with <entry>.
renamepet - Renames a pet to <name>.
enablerename - Enables pet rename.
addspell - Teaches pet <spell>.
removespell - Removes pet spell <spell>.
list - List recall locations
port - Port to recalled location
add - Add recall location
del - Remove a recall location
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Engineered with advanced materials our range of youngsters's using clothes offers superior efficiency and comfort without compromising on fashion. Our range of youngsters using clothes provides the young rider top quality efficiency items at an reasonably priced worth. Jodhpurs are designed to keep your baby comfortable and secure within the saddle – some even have grippy seats to prevent slipping. You can also go for riding tights, that are designed more like leggings, are pull-on in fashion and nonetheless have the choice of a grippy seat.
Let us know if you have any questions almost about any of the kids's equestrian clothes and we might be more than happy that can assist you. So, give any equestrian-loving baby in your life the help that they need to turn into a excessive quality horse rider from a younger age today. With our kid’s horse driving clothing, staying safe when atop a horse becomes a far much less arduous ordeal. For pony-mad kids and eager younger equestrians, our range of children equestrian clothing has every thing for a jockey in-the-making.
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The LeMieux Young Rider Jogger is the perfect hybrid for each lounge put on and active put on. The Ariat Stable Jacket is a water and wind resistant jacket with a lightweight polyfill quilted lining. Featuring a mock collar, fitted hem and logo embroidery in addition to zippered entry for team embroidery. Little equestrians can extra easily deal with their outdoor chores in the comfort of this reliable hoodie. Designed with a host of performance-tech upgrades, the Byron Full Zip is a go-to staple for cool coaching days at the barn. With horses having been such a large part of my life for thus long I’ve focussed on getting my KP Equestrian vary prepared for you all, because it means a lot to me.
Any youngster who decides to tackle the mantle of being a horse rider is making a very optimistic determination early in life. Horse driving is certainly one of the most gratifying activities that you are capable of do and has been a part of trendy human practices for hundreds of years. When atop the back of a horse, we're ready where we can see extra, do extra, and attain our chosen vacation spot with ease. Send me unique provides, distinctive present ideas, and personalised tips for shopping and promoting on Etsy.
Every riding hat may have a protective liner inside which is made from a high-grade polystyrene which acts as a buffer between the impact and your head to help to stop mind harm and bruising. When you might have a fall, the shell of the hat disperses the impression so it’s much less of a shock to your head. Once you find the best using hat for you, it’s important that you take care of it properly. This means keeping it out of the warmth, as high temperatures can melt the protective heavy-duty polystyrene layer inside the hat, in addition to cleaning it with specialist merchandise to protect it. Check out our guides to one of the best jodhpurs for children and finest driving tights for kids. A helmet is an important piece of equipment and no baby must be allowed to get on a horse with out one.
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Дело в том, что компьютерную модель памятника (или ) можно повернуть на экране компьютера в любом направлении и рассмотреть памятник в любом ракурсе https://www.raidstone.ru/katalog-kamnya/granit/granit-absolyut-blek-absolute-black.html
На экране художник и заказчик видят будущий памятник, будто он натуральный, что исключает всевозможные дорогостоящие ошибки до изготовления памятника https://www.raidstone.ru/katalog-kamnya/mramor/mramor-dajno-reale-daino-reale.html
Авторские украшения уникальны не только потому, что они красивы и имеют современный и привлекательный дизайн, они являются в истинном смысле этого слова: каждое ожерелье – произведение искусства ручной работы, в котором каждая деталь подчеркнет вашу индивидуальность и элегантность https://www.raidstone.ru/katalog-kamnya/travertin.html?list_page=5
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(Jamesmoish, 12. 12. 2022 12:08)
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Any child who decides to tackle the mantle of being a horse rider is making a really positive choice early in life. Horse using is doubtless considered one of the most gratifying actions that you can do and has been part of modern human practices for tons of of years. When atop the again of a horse, we are ready the place we can see more, do extra, and reach our chosen destination with ease. Send me exclusive presents, unique reward ideas, and personalised tips for shopping and selling on Etsy.
Engineered with advanced fabrics our range of kids's riding clothing offers superior performance and luxury with out compromising on fashion. Our vary of kids riding clothes presents the young rider prime quality performance pieces at an affordable worth. Jodhpurs are designed to maintain your child comfy and secure in the saddle – some even have grippy seats to forestall slipping. You can even go for driving tights, that are designed extra like leggings, are pull-on in fashion and also have the choice of a grippy seat.
Let us know if you have any questions with regards to any of the youngsters's equestrian clothes and we might be more than happy that will assist you. So, give any equestrian-loving child in your life the help that they want to become a high quality horse rider from a young age today. With our kid’s horse using clothing, staying safe when atop a horse becomes a far much less arduous ordeal. For pony-mad children and eager young equestrians, our vary of kids equestrian clothes has every little thing for a jockey in-the-making.
The LeMieux Young Rider Jogger is the perfect hybrid for both lounge wear and active wear. The Ariat Stable Jacket is a water and wind resistant jacket with a light-weight polyfill quilted lining. Featuring a mock collar, fitted hem and logo embroidery as nicely as zippered entry for group embroidery. Little equestrians can more easily sort out their outside chores in the comfort of this dependable hoodie. Designed with a host of performance-tech upgrades, the Byron Full Zip is a go-to staple for cool training days on the barn. With horses having been such a large a part of my life for so long I’ve focussed on getting my KP Equestrian vary prepared for you all, because it means a lot to me.
Every riding hat could have a protective liner inside which is made from a high-grade polystyrene which acts as a buffer between the influence and your head to help to stop mind harm and bruising. When you have a fall, the shell of the hat disperses the impression so it’s less of a shock to your head. Once you find the best riding hat for you, it’s important that you care for it properly. This means maintaining it out of the warmth, as excessive temperatures can soften the protecting heavy-duty polystyrene layer inside the hat, in addition to cleaning it with specialist merchandise to preserve it. Check out our guides to one of the best jodhpurs for kids and greatest using tights for kids. A helmet is an important piece of package and no child should be allowed to get on a horse without one.
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